Human Kinetics is moving to summer hours. Starting May 31 – August 2, our hours will be Mon – Thurs, 7am – 5pm CDT. Orders placed on Friday with digital products/online courses will be processed immediately. Orders with physical products will be processed on the next business day.

Thank you for your patience

The website remains unavailable. We are working as fast as we can to convert courses to the new platform.

Has my course been converted?

Check your email; instructions for how to access courses that have been converted are being emailed as courses are converted.

Check if your course has been converted.

When will my course be converted?

You will receive an email from with instructions on how to access your course as soon as it's converted.

How do I print my certificate?

  1. Create account using the same email address that you used on, or
  2. Login if you have an account.
  3. Go to
  4. Click on "Print Certificate"

How do I redeem my key code?

  1. Create account using the same email address that you used on, or
  2. Login if you have an account.
  3. Go to
  4. Enter the Key Code then click on Submit

How do I get my test result?

  1. Create account using the same email address that you used on, or
  2. Login if you have an account.
  3. Go to

How do I access Administrator Reports?

  1. Create account using the same email address that you used on, or
  2. Login if you have an account.
  3. Go to